After-school work is one of the most important topics for international students, no matter how high or low their financial capacity, their access to a job gives them different experiences and advantages and reinforces their situation in the country in which they study. At the same time, they provide them with some material capabilities that help them while they are in school.

Before you start preparing applications for a job, we recommend that you see these tips

Perfectly perfected the language.

This is very necessary and cannot be waived. Away from your academic scores, or the files you have submitted that you are a TOEFL or IELTS certified. However, what is meant to be a very high degree of interaction with the people of the country you are studying, speaking in their language well, makes you understand them.

That is, you must know the language of the people of the country as much as possible, away from your understanding and responsiveness to the academic language you receive at the university during the study.

Basic Skills

Training courses in the field of specialization, are one of the most important factors that concern employers and make them feel your seriousness and interest in the development and keep up with the job market with the best possible skills.

Mastering a foreign main language, along with a second foreign language well

Internship.. One of the best ways to get a functional experience directly, by joining a company to train and build your career.

Legal requirements. Take into account all legal requirements of residence in the country that hosts you, and issue a valid permit at work, whether full or part time or whatever. It is a step that accelerates the employer's decision to include you in the staff, as all papers and documents are ready for you, and you can start immediately.

Professional self-employment

It is the foundation through which the type of companies and institutions can be convinced and the most correct August of work is that it is the most deserving and efficient job. It must be innovative, creative and with a great deal of clarity, professionalism, and free from mistakes.

Always try to show the positive aspects of your study and personality in prominent places of CV, because employers look at these things more seriously than others.

Network relationships

Get to know everyone and earn a friend every day. Every relationship and knowledge of a friend in the country you are studying means that – far from your personal loyalty and respect for these relationships and friendships – they need to help you get very good jobs that match your qualifications and circumstances.

The intention is not to exploit friends of course, but having these close relationships with friends will inevitably help you on their own to improve your financial situation, and your job experience in the country you are studying.

Master Foreign Language:

Besides a second foreign language well.. One of the most important skills to be heeded by international and local business owners. But, basically, English and its mastery (spoken and written) are the most important priorities.

Understand the nature of industries in this country.

Do not put in your mind a specific picture of the nature of the work you want to occupy, in such a way that you reject all other works that may pass your way. Understand the nature of the business and industries in the country you are studying first, before deciding to occupy a particular job or refusing another job.

Select what you want from behind this function

is a part-time job and you seek to fill it to earn some money that will support you during the period of study abroad materially?.. Is the job you seek in order to get good training for money, and at the same time get experience in your field of study?.. Is the job you are seeking to put your foot in your career, and you intend to continue it mainly throughout your stay to study, and continue with it after finishing the study also?!

Select exactly what you want, before you occupy any job, whether part-time or total.

Connect with employment Companies

There are many institutions whose role is to help the international student get different jobs according to his needs and abilities. Always connect with these institutions, see the latest job requirements and suitability for you, your abilities and your student visa, and select the most appropriate for you. Do not hesitate to fill this post, even if it is not 100% satisfactory to you. I think it's temporary.