"You must decide which image you want for your brand. The picture reflects a personality. And products like people have personalities, they can make their position in the market or the ". David Ogilvy
In the competitive global marketplace, the ability to make your product stand out among other products has become a basic survival skill. Therefore, the process of knowing your consumer and selling the product specifically designed to need it is now a very important study for most companies in the world.

Course Components

Many universities offer several studies on this subject, whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. The course aims to prepare you for the professional marketing profession, and the study helps you understand consumer dynamics and related public relations. You will have the opportunity to cover a wide range of subjects during your studies in this field, such as economics and psychology associated with consumer behavior, and as success skills lie in the ability to master a range of arts and sciences in order to have an effective impact.

In general, students are advised to have experience in this field. Some universities have strong contacts with businessmen both internationally and at the local level, so you will have a great opportunity to work during the study.
You will be evaluated with exams and study work including providing practical study forms, articles and projects so you will need a lot of coordination between many deadlines throughout the year.

What qualities do you need to achieve success?

  • Excellent written or verbal communication skills creativity
  • Strong academic Readiness
  • The enthusiasm
  • Ability to take responsibility for both individual and collective action
  • Understanding of business related to the topic in general

Do you intend to study marketing?

If you are considering marketing studies, these are typical admission requirements for international students:
  • Pass the IELTS 6.0 to 6.5 or higher with a minimum of 5.5 per component.
  • Pass the TOEFL by 90 or higher with a minimum of 20 to 25 per component.
  • These requirements are for bachelor level only. 
  • If you plan to study at the postgraduate level, you may need a slightly higher score or additional qualifications.

Are you having trouble with the English language?

You can read more about the TOEFL test.
Also, experience in those related topics could be useful, such as:
  • Math
  • Business Studies
  • Communications
  • The Declaration
  • Accounting

What happens after graduation?

The marketing jobs are many and varied. During the course you will gain a lot of marketing skills and knowledge such as data collection and analytical thinking and you will have a great opportunity for a wide range of professions and marketing. At the same time, you will also learn several principles in management such as human resources management, accounting and finance, and thus there are a number of career options in many professions:
  • Human Resources
  • Sales
  • Assistance
  • Crisis-related communications
  • Fundraising
  • Employment Consultancy
  • The Declaration
  • Public relations

Many universities focus on work experience during the study and each university has contacts with the business sector and organizations, so you will have a lot of job opportunities in the industry.