The study of financial and banking sciences has gained importance at the moment due to the spread of entrepreneurship and the need of the labor market for qualified graduates in the fields of administration and banking, a study area aimed at providing students with the professional academic knowledge needed to work in the financial and administrative sectors And banking and qualification of students to work in stock trading companies and stock exchange companies and international capital markets, which increases the importance of this study and the popularity of students for the multiplicity and importance of the fields of work provided by the study.

Contents of the study and admission requirements

The universities in their programs of study in the financial and banking sciences are based on the application of high-quality educational strategies with international standards to qualify students with a high degree of competence, and also to prepare them as human cadres in leadership positions in their fields especially after returning to work in their home countries, also The study is based on the use of state-of-the-art education technologies to keep graduates in the age of progress, knowledge and development in the labor market, competitiveness and excellence in the labor market.

In the study of financial and banking sciences abroad, students are exposed to these subjects as part of the study:
  • Mathematics associated with administrative and financial sciences.
  • The principles of accounting in their various disciplines.
  • Banking legislation and commercial laws.
  • Principles of statistics and applied statistics.
  • Computer skills.
  • Introduction to Economics.
  • Marketing principles.
  • Principles of the management of banking business.
  • Financial analysis and financial management principles.
  • Bank credit and banking operations.

Concept and principles of insurance.

To enroll in the study program in the financial and banking sciences must meet the admission requirements set by the university you wish to study in, and usually the universities request to pass the TOEFL test at least 550 degrees or pass the IELTS by 6 degrees According to the program of the University of Edith Kwan in Australia To study financial and banking sciences at the Masters level, the requirements may vary from one university to another and from one level to another.

Career prospects

After the completion of the study, the graduates have many areas in which they can work, and students can continue their academic work, and these are some of the functional areas that students can work on:
  • Administrative jobs in banks and shareholding companies
  • Financial inter mediation companies.
  • Government institutions
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Insurance Companies
  • Investment Companies