This is your study area, these days you get a suitable job is not easy, and you may find many students with grades and high ratings in their study area, and also with good practical skills but they do not make the right job easily, so it is important not to rely on your skills Alone in the search for the job you dream of, competition in the labor market is not easy, and you need to make an effort to increase your chances of getting the right job, in this article we tried to highlight some important and useful notes that must be kept in mind to speed up getting the right job after Graduation.

Looking for a job.. At an early age

Yes, it is very important that you prepare for the job search phase early, by searching online or in local newspapers, one of the most common mistakes that students have is to wait after graduation and start looking for a job, believing in their enthusiasm, abilities and skills that they will find a good job quickly after Graduation, but indeed, whatever your enthusiasm and skills, the competition in the labor market will take some time to find a good job. So searching for a few minutes a day for a job may give you a great time to look for a job after graduation, and you can create a list of the companies you wish to enroll in, the qualifications and certificates they request, and keep track of their website from time to time to apply for the jobs they advertise.

Get excellent grades at the university

This is a very important factor for getting a good job, working and remembering seriously during a university study period in order to get high grades and ratings in your subjects will have a very positive impact on the job you will be working with, some owners of companies do not look at the CV long if they see that The owner has low grades or ratings during the university stage.

Practical training

Hands-on courses make a big difference in the impression that a CV has on your employer, and the more you enroll in more practical training courses relevant to your field of study, the better for you when you try to get a job.

Although most students know how important the courses are, but many do not give them enough attention, and according to a study conducted to measure students ' interest in training courses during the study, the study showed that most students would wish they had received training courses before Graduation, so it is important to take advantage of that feature and you are still in the study stage.

When you search for a training course, you can put the companies and industrial and professional institutions that you want to practice in the first order, followed by other companies, and thus the best, the best, and it is important to be diligent in your work, and try to take advantage and learn as much as possible during training, express your thoughts Freely and professionally in a polite way while practicing to get experienced opinions, and show your enthusiasm to prove your presence and develop your skills while you work.

Always pay attention to detail, especially details, accurate, accurate in the performance of your work, disciplined in your appointments, and learn from your mistakes this will help you to learn faster and benefit better, and perhaps after the training the company or organization is offered to work with them on a permanent basis after completing your studies.

Social networking

Opening up to the world and communicating is the ideal way to open up your career prospects, and communication is now easy at all social, professional and other levels, and social networking sites are becoming an active player to facilitate access to Facebook and LinkedIn positions.

This does not mean that you spend the day in front of the computer screen on social media sites to recognize people and join groups, but also try to identify people who may help you to find the right way to get the right job, these people are your professor at the University, a friend of yours, or any Someone else. Be sure to attend job fairs and offer to many companies, you may not find your perfect job from the first time, but you may find a job with a good salary, or a job that can be a starting point later to get the perfect job.

More attention to social relations

All that will make it easier for you to get a prestigious post after graduation. However, the relationships you create during the study are the key to all the facilities you get abroad. In the study.. To stay after studying.. To get a job after studying.. Get a job while studying.. Etc.

Make sure to build a privileged network of relationships with friends, employers, professors and academics. Each of these relationships will benefit you at some point later inevitably, especially in the search for a job suitable for you.