Access to the Bachelor's degree is now easier than earlier. Students had to go to the university campus for at least five hours a day. In addition to the transfer, housing and other expenses. Also, going to the university impedes the individual's work deduct from his family time and job time. The researchers discovered a new way for non-cadres to attend as well as for the students who like to rely on themselves in getting their degree online. All you need for passing tests and fulfilling your dream is your computer.

The best universities for online colleges for bachelor's degree and their tuition
  • Georgia State University
Which is the number one accredited university for this degree in the world. Which is an affordable university at reasonable prices. A good choice for students on limited budgets but still looking for an established accredited school. Where the average cost of tuition for the university is only about 3800 dollars per year. And the rate of admission is sometimes up to 71%. So you can get your degree while you sitting in home the school has a group selection of qualified online instructor and can even contact them via telephone Or email.

  • Fort Hays University
The university was founded in 1902 and it is a non-profit one. The university offers more than 60 different programs to obtain the bachelor degree in various specialties such as agricultural sciences, business administration and management, nursing, etc. It currently has more than 6000 enrolled students all of them are registered online. Each student has his own advisor in which he can get in touch with. Tuition is about $ 6,000 per year.

  • Albany State University
It is a university accredited on the fourth place in our list of the world's universities for online colleges for bachelor's degree. With 10 programs for online bachelor, the student must pass a short test before the start of the program. The university admission rate is 50% and the cost of study about 6,200 dollars per year.

  • Arkansas State University
The university was established in 1909. And is the sixth in the world to offer programs in most specializations most of them are served on the Internet as well. Online colleges for bachelor's degree include disaster preparedness, preparedness, business, accounting, health and other areas of specialty. The university admission rate is 70%.